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Unearthing the secrets grandparents took to their graves!


An Evening with

Anne Hanson

Author of Buried Secrets: Looking for Frank and Ida

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM ET via Zoom

This presentation is free, but pre-registration is required. Click to register.

Ida Hanson hated when her sons left her sight. It was almost as if this fiercely protective mother, who sacrificed everything to nurture her four young boys during the economic ruin of the 1930s Great Depression, feared she might never see them again.

What happened in her earlier life to make this devoted mom, Anne’s grandmother, so afraid of losing her boys?

Buried Secrets: Looking for Frank and Ida, is a real-life mystery about her quest to discover the hidden past that her grandparents Frank and Ida took to their graves. When she finally unearthed their real identities, she learned that their tales were lies invented to conceal disturbing facts. Buried Secrets is both a suspenseful drama and a true story about love, sacrifice, and family relationships. Its target audience is readers of suspense, memoir, and social history.

As well as being a tale of suspense, Buried Secrets celebrates love and family. Anne’s discoveries gave her dad the answers he had longed for his entire life. She helped to heal families that had been deeply wounded by Frank and Ida’s actions eighty years earlier. Buried Secrets explores a not-so-distant era when a young couple, thwarted by social conventions, could simply disappear and create new lives.

Anne Hanson, an inveterate explorer of the unknown, has always followed when her curiosity beckoned. She crossed the ocean for her African Studies degree, and as a reporter would drive endless miles across town to get the story. Finally, when investigating her grandparents’ secrets, she journeyed into a bygone century, her vehicle painstaking and detailed research. Anne has written for the Boston Globe and numerous newspapers, as well as for corporate publications and the New England Historic Genealogical Society’s American Ancestors magazine. She lives with her husband in Brookline, Massachusetts.

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