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Presenting… The MGC Sentinel: Keeping Watch over Legislation, and More!

Writer's picture: Barbara MathewsBarbara Mathews

Posted by Polly FitzGerald Kimmitt, MGC President, on Monday, 13 February 2012 

Greetings! The Massachusetts Genealogical Council (MGC) is very excited to introduce our new blog, The MGC Sentinel. With this new vehicle of communication we hope to provide another source of information on issues concerning legislation that threatens access to public records.

The MGC Sentinel will not be restricted to legislative issues –– we will also provide updates about our annual seminar and anything else we think might interest members of the genealogical community. It will be free and open to the public. We are in the planning stages for our July 21st seminar, “Ethnicity and Genealogy,” so stay tuned for some exciting news! We’re aiming to present the best MGC seminar ever. Big shoes to fill, but we can try!

You will note that our new blog’s logo has repetitions of the Boston State House in different colors and intensities. This is meant to reflect the different reactions that we all have as individuals to one fact. We all see things differently. We will showcase a variety of authors, each writing in his or her individual voice, mostly MGC Executive Board members, but occasionally we would like to host guest bloggers as well. It is my fervent wish that readers will leave comments telling us their own experiences in making their voices heard on Capitol Hill and in their local state governments. It is our aim to make sure that by displaying all of the colors and letting all voices be heard we will come out with a true representation of the facts.


Polly FitzGerald Kimmitt, CG President

Last modified on Tuesday, 14 February 2012

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