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MGC 2020: Origins & Destinations

Seminar Prize Winners

Door Prize Winners for Saturday, April 4


Lucia Cusimano

"The Chess Men" (Lewis Trilogy Book 3) by Peter May


Denise Cross

Portable laptop stand


Laurie Evans

"The Family Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy" by Blaine Bettinger


Dave Lambert

Electronic Gadget Travel Organizer


Kathy Moccia

My Heritage DNA Kit


Joan C. O'Donnell

2 year membership in Massachusetts Genealogical Council


Denise Picard Lindgren

Scout Bag Set


Helen Simmons

"Bride of New France" by Suzanne Desrochers


Jennifer Smith

1 day registration at MGC 2022 Seminar - Saturday


Christopher Wilcox

My Heritage Annual Subscription


Door Prize Winners for Sunday, April 5


Rita Barredo

"The Black House" (Lewis Trilogy Book 1) by Peter May


Susan Brown

Scout Bag Set


Laura Cleary

2 year membership in Massachusetts Genealogical Council


Vanessa Grace

Bullet Journal and Supplies


Linda Koehler

Ancestry DNA Kit


Jacqueline Marshall

"Your DNA Guide - the Book" by Diahan Southard


Brigid O'Donnell

Portable laptop stand


Amanda Perrine

Sunday registration at MGC 2022 Seminar


Diane Shields

Baggallini RIFD Transit Bag



First Person to Register for the VIRTUAL Seminar

Elizabeth Pellicane

2 year membership in the Massachusetts Genealogical Council​


First Person to Complete a Track

Brenda Leyndyke from Michigan

2 year membership in the Massachusetts Genealogical Council​




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